Our Community
- To attract and retain some of the best available people.
- To build goodwill and maintain successful working relationships with customers, suppliers and governments.
- To maintain a good reputation with all stakeholders.
- To assist the many communities in which we conduct business in a meaningful way.

For many years, Goddard Enterprises Limited has had the commitment to be involved in the communities in which we operate and to contribute to the well-being of those communities as well as to ensure our employees operated in safe surroundings that were conducive to productivity.
We have selected five areas to focus our involvement, that not only have meaning to our business but where we can make a positive impact. These areas are Education, Culture, Youth Development & Sports, Charity and Community Development.
At GEL, we are committed to good governance, ethical conduct and social responsibility. Indeed, it is an integral component of doing business, and it aligns strongly with our dedication to create and increase shareholder value. We are also steadfast in our commitment to maintain relationships with stakeholders and gain their input and feedback on issues of material importance.
We recognise that education is critical to the economic and social development of the region and is indeed critical to our group’s strategic expansion and continued success.
To this end, we support all efforts to improve the educational systems, ensuring that there is a narrowing of the gap between the demand for trained qualified personnel and the available supply in the public and private sectors.
As a result, the Group has from time to time provided financial assistance to a number of institutions and individuals who have a need toward the achievement of specific educational objectives.